Nurses Corner

The health office is on the first floor of the school in the ECP corridor. The health office is staffed by a full-time Registered Nurse, Monday – Friday, from 7:30am until 2:45pm, every day during the school year.

All children are required to have an updated physical examination record at the time of registration. (Must have been completed within the last year)

Please update the health office with your child’s physical examination report annually.

Immunization Requirements

3 doses of Hep B
4 doses of DTap/DTP
3 doses of Polio
3 or more doses of Hib
1 dose of MMR
1 dose of Varicella

3 doses of Hep B
5 doses of DTaP/DTP
4 doses of Polio
2 doses of MMR
2 doses of Varicella

Rules for Returning Child to School After Illness

Students must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen before returning to school

Students must be vomit free for 24 hours and able to take liquid and solid nourishment before returning to school

Strep Throat – Student must remain out of school until 24 hours after treatment has begun

Chicken Pox – May return to school 7 days from day of breakout, if lesions are dry

Ringworm – May return to school after treatment has begun

Impetigo – May return to school after treatment has begun

Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye – May return to school after treatment has begun

Lice – We have a no nit policy. All children that have been treated for lice should be checked by the school nurse

prior to their return to school. If you are having trouble eliminating lice in your family please contact me for the names of outside agencies that parents have had success with in the past.


The Department of Public Health mandates that all prescription and over the counter medications may only be administered by the school nurse with a physician’s order for said medication. If your child requires medication during the day you must provide the nurse with the medication, in its original container, as well as the physician’s order. All prescription medications must be in their original pharmacy container, and all over the counter medications must be in their unopened, original container.